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  • Elliot Washor

Elliot Washor “Are you with me now?” 4.10.21

Thanks to our push from Isary, our social media and communications with Harbor Freight is really picking up. From blogs to interview to videos and coming soon a Fellows podcast. This week, I pulled out a few more nuggets from Zach, our Harbor Freight Fellow interview of the week.

Here’s his responses to being at a mentor site: “You start to notice certain things you can only pick-up with time.” “You can’t learn this from class or a book.” “Everyone should have these types of experiences.” We agree. Zach is already “helping to train the new guys.” His relationship with his mentor who is now his boss is great. “He’s the best boss. He goes out of his way.” ‘nuff said.


B-Unbound – “Attention must be paid!”

I took the red-eye home Thursday and arriving Friday from an incredible day of being part of filmed panel discussions on Mackenzie that set my TGIF back a bit. There’s Izzy from the San Diego Met, Mackenzie and Makani from the student panel. Their discussion about what schools must pay attention to around making the school experience meaningful and much less stressful for all students came from their hearts and heads to change the health and well-being of all students. The segway from the film panels and connections B-Unbound came out great. On our adult panel, we had Pam Roy, Javier, and me. We have a great B-Unbound team assembled and working. It includes Anthonette, Isary, David, Chris and Charlie Mojo working hard on making Be-unbound, a new form come to life. It has so much potential for big change. We are holding off on the release of all the things that are involved until the launch on May 20th but lots will follow in the coming weeks. Similar to Harbor Freight Fellows, Project Impact, BPLiving what appears new is really how you come to history and the origin stories of B-unbound and the rest goes back over 30 years.

“The notion of looking on at life has always been hateful to me. What am I if I am not a participant? In order to be, I must participate.” Antoine St. Exupery

The misleading part of this graph is that there are only a few colleges and universities participating in supporting their students in getting a good job. Is allowing a student to have an internship in their interest one way to have students feel their school participated with them in getting a good job? We have to figure out how to use data like this to have colleges get students out on internships. We are doing part of this work with Dale Marsden of Tomorrow’s Talent in CA. Dale is writing a grant to use ImBlaze to manage internships at California State Colleges


Isary referenced Jay Denning’s’s great video in her TGIF. I did as well but did not have the url. Here it is posted on BPLiving. incredibly inspiring video. Ben from Nashville Big Picture is putting together an anthology of all the written poems and stories produced by our students for BPLiving. It is going to be amazing. The BPLiving team is going to send a video to Dr. Fauci asking him to go further around publicly talking about the prevention of pre-existing conditions such obesity a major cause of diabetes and heart disease that cause higher incidences of COVID in communities of color. Our work at BPLiving is a social justice issue and our students are addressing it. My talk with Dr, Marsha-Gail Davis today was filled with loads of work in preparation for Big Bang. How do you change behavior around food that is loaded with all sorts of cultural, personal, family and community sensitivities? When it comes to obesity causing diabetes and heart disease in high percentages of black and brown populations, the work we do at BPLiving is clearly seen as a social justice issue that impacts so many. This is not an easy problem to get your arms around and when, our work puts students as the drivers of this work, I feel we can move the needle. Andrew’s Advisory in the Park doing relaxation time.

Our connections to HBCU’s continues with Xavier students connecting to Living School students.

Thesis the beginning of our work with HBCU’s and BPLiving. The Medical term the “Tomato Effect is the rejection of highly efficacious therapies produced by slavish devotion to orthodoxy.”

We live the Tomato Effect around so much of what we do at BPL. We also live the Tomato Effect when we know students perform better when they get enough sleep, when they eat healthy foods by lowering their sugar, fat and salt. When they are allowed to move around. When they are allowed to develop healthy relationships and when they avoid harmful substances. Now that we are coming back to school can we change our behaviors and policies? The only way to do this work is to act our way to thinking. Plans are nothing; planning is everything.”


Baseball Fans, Here’s a baseball video for opening week produced and directed by Kelly Candeale who traveled to Birmingham, Alabama recently on a journalistic trip where he discovered Rickwood Field, the oldest baseball park in the United States. Some of the greatest players of all time played there including Jackie Robinson, Satchel Paige, Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, Willie Mays, Reggie Jackson and many others. Old ball parks - like Fenway or Wrigley - have a spirit that is all their own. Rickwood has a similar spirit that he tried to capture in this short video. It's a monument to baseball and US history that should be preserved. Be Well! -- Elliot Washor Co-founder of Big Picture Learning

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