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For Mentors (Professionals)

The Mentor is a workplace professional responsible for providing a Fellow with the opportunity for skill development, workplace readiness, and membership in the professional community, both offline and online.



When an applicant is accepted they are requested to submit these documents:​​

  • W-9 Form​

  • Media Release Form​

  • Fellowship Agreement 

  • Post-Fellowship Survey


All documents should be submitted within one week. ​Both the Advisor and Mentor must also submit the W-9 Form​ and ​Media Release Form at the beginning of the Fellowship (unless they have previously submitted these documents).

*Please note that the 60 hours for the Fellowship does not officially start until ​all​ the preliminary documents are successfully submitted, including the Fellowship Agreement.


The Fellow uses the B-Unbound app for each check-in and check-out of the Fellowship. B-Unbound logs hours and captures real-time data on student goals, learning, and interest in the Fellowship. The Advisor will receive an email from B-Unbound/ImBlaze each day the Fellow is at the Fellowship Site, and the Mentor will verify attendance and provide brief feedback. The Advisor checks in weekly to support the Fellow in reflecting upon and navigating the Fellowship. The Advisor conducts at least 2 site visits during the Fellowship and submits several photos of the Mentor and Fellow working together, and video if possible, for use on the website and in social media. At or near the end of the Fellowship the Fellow, Mentor and Advisor will each submit the Post-Fellowship Survey​ that include evaluations for the Fellow’s progress and performance during the Fellowship. The Fellow also submits the ​Post-Fellowship Work Plan​.

Wrap-Up and Reflect


The Mentor supports the Fellow and the Advisor in completing the Post-Fellowship Surveys and Work-Plan. A presentation including a formal reflection on the experience, a celebration, and sharing gratitude are all encouraged. Scholarships and stipends will be distributed upon the receipt of final documentation for the Fellowship.


Reflections from Mentors

“The Fellow is treated as a team member and is given high-level responsibility and opportunities by personally assisting me to complete projects in the shop.”

“The Fellow improved a lot and is smart, ambitious and persistent.  We hired her on full-time.”

“This Fellow had dropped out of school once before . . . His ability to work at this Fellowship has been the reason he is doing so well now. He now feels that there is an opportunity for his future.”

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